How to Get Rid of White Spots on Skin from the Sun?

The medical terminology of a white sunspot is Idiopathic Guttate hypomelanosis( IGH) which is a kind of hypopigmentation, it is a condition where melanin has not been produced. The white spot also appears due to the uneven distribution of melanin in a specific area. A white spot appears while an individual spends long hours in sun. UV A and UV B from the sun reduce melanin production.

However, there are lots of treatments available that effectively reduce the appearance of white spots. However, no treatment claims 100% spot removal, because it is difficult. There are home remedies as well as medical treatment available. At the primary stage, home remedies work well, but if your spots get severe, then medical treatment is the best option.

In this article, we are going to talk about treatments that effectively reduce the appearance of white spots.

What is idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis( IGH)?

Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis is the medical synonym of white patch or white spot on the skin. Idiopathic means the reason is entirely unknown. Guttate means appears as teardrop shape, Hypomelanosis means depigmentation or light color skin.

IGH Spot develops gradually on your skin with reducing melanin production. At the primary stage, they appear as a very small white spot which usually we neglect the size in between 2 to 6 millimeters. It can be smooth or scaly depending upon the nature of the spot.

While the components that lead to IGH are as yet unknown and an authoritative reason still can't seem to be set up, the most regularly acknowledged clarification is that the melanin production process is interrupted by exposure to UV rays for long hours. Most dermatologists find out the link between sun exposure and white spot because white spots develop in the areas which are exposed to the sun immensely including arms, back, face, and legs.

UV rays from the sun speed up the aging process. So, it can a consequence of premature aging. Genetic factors like genetic mutations may promote idiopathic skin conditions.

Treatments for white sunspots

Some patients choose to cure sunspots on an aesthetic basis in two ways: By using over-the-counter ointments and professional treatments.

However complete deletion of IGH is difficult. Home remedies can be effective but limited to the topical level which requires years of regular application to get the minimum result.

Therefore, dermatologist recommends professional treatment for quick and effective outcomes. However, you must remember professional treatments are also unable to wipe out spots completely.

Over the counter treatment to alleviate the white sunspots

There are two Over counter medicines available to reduce white spots: Steroid cream and retinoid creams. Both of these creams are effectively reducing the intensity of white spots. However topical medicines won’t be effective if your spots are severe.

Topical Steroid creams

This type of cream contains Corticosteroids which are similar to cortisol hormone which may effectively eliminate sunspots. It is prepared with different strengths. Hydrocortisone is the milder one marketed as OTC medicine, while strong formulas of cortisol need a prescription. However, there is no conclusive evidence that topical corticosteroid ointments effectively fads the white patches. Doctors do not recommend these medicines for a long term basis.

Topical retinoid creams

Retinoid creams improve the cell regeneration process which can alleviate skin discoloration indirectly. Retinol and Tretinoin both are pure forms of vitamin A and vitamin A is very important for our skin color and texture. Research study has found that regular application of Tretinoin for four months significantly reduce hyperpigmentation. Therefore both of these components of retinoid creams effectively eliminate white patches.

Professional treatment to reduce Idiopathic white spots

Laser treatment

Laser is now very popular in the medical field due to its effectiveness. Now it is immensely used in the cosmetic industry. Laser treatment effectively reduces the appearance of white sunspots. The dermatologist uses an Excimer laser that activates the pigment-producing cells, which significantly encourages melanin production. The frictional laser is also very effective in fading out the spots by stimulating melanin production. It also eliminates defective melanocytes.


This peeling methodology truly eliminates the skin's external layers utilizing a particular grating device to uncover the new skin underneath. At the point when used to treat IGH, dermabrasion makes white spots covering over and triggers the body's melanin creation process.

Dermabrasion is likewise not reasonable for individuals with skin inflammation or a background marked by keloid scarring as these conditions increment the danger of incidental effects related to the methodology.

Chemical peels

It removes the upper layer of your skin and medically damages the skin to promote the body’s natural healing process which gradually triggers the depigmentation process.


It involves liquid nitrogen along with a cotton-tipped applicator for better results. It is an effective treatment to improve the production of melanocytes.

Each treatment offers the result of a different degree, before implementing any of these procedures take advice from a skin specialist in Dubai. He will guide you according to your complication severity.

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